Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Soaking up the local history

Maria's parents headed for home yesterday, but not before we introduced them to the Arkansas Tenant Farmers Museum at Tyronza.
The museum, operated by Arkansas State University, chronicles the events surrounding the organization in 1934 of the Southern Tenant Farmers Union - the first of its kind in the nation.
You can read all about it at this page on the Encyclopedia of Arkansas website.
Maria's dad has a keen interest in history and culture and tries to soak up as much as possible whenever he travels. I think he thoroughly enjoyed his visit to the museum.

We had driven separately to Tyronza so they could continue their circuitous journey back to Indiana via some Civil War sites. Maria and I took the top off of the del Sol and took the scenic route home via Lepanto, where we discovered the famous "Painted House" from John Grisham's novel "The Painted House," Caraway, and Black Oak (population 286).
We got our first sunburn of the season.

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