Friday, April 25, 2008

Once a newsie, always a newsie

One thing newspaper people pride themselves on is their ability to find out whaever they want to know.
In this case, it's the whereabouts of the people who had our phone number before it was assigned to us.
Ever since we moved into our Arkansas home, we've been getting calls from people asking for David or Jackie B.
At first, we figured it was just a mis-dial, a wrong number.
But they have persisted to a point where we average about one a day.
For awhile, we were getting daily automated calls from Wells Fargo asking us to call their office to discuss our account.
Maria wondered if we had a Wells Fargo account somewhere that we'd forgotten about. I assured her that we didn't. Finally, a few weeks ago, she called the Wells Fargo number, worked her way through the voice menu maze and connected with a human being. The B family no longer has this phone number, she explained, and we would be most appreciative if they would tell their phone robot to stop calling us.
The Wells Fargo calls abruptly stopped.
But others persist, leading me to conclude that David and Jackie skipped town owing money to a lot of people.
I did a cursory internet search and discovered that David, 37, and his wife Jackie, 35, had what is now our phone number when they lived on Prospect Road in Jonesboro sometime prior to last October.
It also appears they may have lived in Lepanto, Joiner, Bay, and/or Keiser, Ark.
I've also discovered what appears to be a current address and phone number for the B family and will share it with all future creditors until the calls stop.

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