Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The good old days


These were the prices at the Admiral station on Darlington Avenue in Crawfordsville, Ind. on Nov. 2, 2005.

And we thought those prices were outrageous!


  1. Might want to dream on... Price for regular topped at $3.65/gal on 4/22/08 at 5:30PM

  2. Highest I've ever seen it was $3.67 after Hurricane Katrina. I give it another three days to break that record.

  3. I just pumped gas here last night, in a pinch cuz I was out, at a different station accross town and paid 3.99 a gallon. REGULAR. I watched the ticker the whole time since it was boggling my mind that it was going up so fast. I paid $79.80 for 20 gallons!! My husband was not suprised, he says he has seen it as high as $4.09. my god.
