Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Desks at last

Maria and I had big desks at our home in Thorntown, Ind. - too big to jam into pods for the move to Arkansas. So we gave them away.
That means we've been without proper desks since we moved in here in late October.
I had my computer set up on an antique farm kitchen work table and Maria had hers on a corner of the kitchen counter. We started looking for suitable desks shortly after we got carpet installed in our over-the-garage office space.
Maria wanted matching desks but she and I had different notions of what we wanted. Desperation finally won out after an abortive attempt to buy a couple of desks from Office Max on Sunday. Office Max had one model that Maria liked and I didn't hate, so we tried to buy two of them. Turns out the store only had the display model and there were no more to be found in their distribution network. Likewise, it had been dropped from the Office Max online inventory.
So we ended up settling for the desks I kinda liked from the get-go - the Whalen Logic computer desk pictured above - available at Sam's Club for about $170. The view, the chair, the Mac, and the three wall clocks aren't part of the deal, but they were easy to assemble and are proving to be quite functional and look cool.
Now, back to that wedding album I'm trying to finish.


  1. I have one of these desks and wish I could buy another. Sam's gets other desks from Whalen that look similar to this one but never look quite as nice.
