Thursday, April 17, 2008

Cleaning house and getting results

I'm doing a bit of C: drive housekeeping this morning after discovering that my 300 GB C: drive was down to 1.34 GB of free space.
The tipoff was the fact that everything was running impossibly slowly or not at all.
Since most of my 500 GB secondary internal hard drive was empty, it only made sense to start shifting thousands and thousands of image files from weddings, news, family and other occasions over to the bigger drive. I'm up to 20 GB of free space on the C: drive and things are working much better and it's starting to feel like a Core2Duo should and the way it was when I got it 15 months ago.

So while sorting through the miscellaneous images in the My Pictures folder, I found a bunch of animated .gif files I've accumulated over the years. Here's one of them.

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