Thursday, March 20, 2008

Whatever became of Jim White?

This is Jim White, an ATO Fraternity brother of mine. The photo was taken in the spring of 1967 on the cusp of the Summer of Love. The scene was a "be-in" in Dunn Meadow on the Indiana University campus in Bloomington.
Jim was a math major and graduated from Indiana State University with a 4.0 gpa, or close to it. A few months later he took off for San Francisco with another friend of ours. I would have gone with them, were I not newly married with my first son on the way and the beginnings of a career in newspapers.
Whitey, as we called him, was a trusting, adventurous soul who was made for the 1960s. He would take any pill anyone would offer him, just to see what it did. After a year or two in California, he took up with a traveling commune called The Family. When he returned to Indiana, it was with a copy of Ankh, a nudist magazine with a lavish layout about The Family. And there was Whitey in several photos, in the altogether with his arms around one or two or more similarly naked young women. I thought it was very cool at the time. Come to think of it, I still think it's cool.
I lost track of Jim for several years until one night he called to say he was back in town. It was the winter of 1986-87 and I was living in an apartment in Carmel. He had come home for Christmas with his father, who lived in the same apartment complex.
Whitey, it turned out, had been living on the beach - homeless - in Fort Walton Beach, Fla. He had no particular plans, other than to get back to his spot on the beach. He would have been 42 or so at the time. That was more than 20 years ago and I haven't heard from him since. I have no idea what became of him or whether he's still alive.
In the circus of life, Whitey was a trapeze artist who worked without a net. I'm not sure what I am. Maybe one of the guys who puts up the tent or shovels elephant shit. I have a feeling that Whitey has had more adventures than I, but I wonder how many of them he can remember.

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