Monday, March 31, 2008

Welcome, Friends and Strangers!

I added a visitor widget to the blog about 24 hours ago because I was curious to see where my visitors were coming from. The results have been rather surprising.
Here's a list of places where blog hits have originated:
Valencia, Spain
United Kingdom
Scarborough, Ontario, Canada
Lancaster, Calif.
Las Vegas, Nev.
Bellmore, N.Y.
Des Moines, Iowa
Lafayette, Ind.
Pasadena, Calif.
Barcelona, Spain
Columbus, Ohio
Columbus, Ind.
San Francisco, Calif.
Killeen, Texas
Denton, Texas

Some are finding me while searching for a particular topic or image on Google, but a lot of them are linking directly.
I can guess who a few of them are – like my son Steve in Las Vegas, and Pixielyn in Lancaster, Calif., but most are welcome strangers.
The widget is Feedjit and you can read all about it and get it free for your own site at And won't worry about anonymity or tracking. All Feedjit does is report where you are (actually, it's not perfect – I has me in Paragould, Ark., when I'm really closer to Brookland, Ark.) and whether you found me via a search engine or another site or just came here directly.


  1. Let's see if it recognizes the high mountain country of Colorado.

  2. I think it just logs you in as "United States." Are you using some kind of filter to mask your identity?
