Saturday, March 29, 2008

The sweet smell of an Ebay deal

I've been using KL Homme by Karl Lagerfeld for the last 10 years or so. Maria was never crazy about it and I had the feeling it was time for a change.
Our friend Lauri suggested Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue, which has fragrance notes that include lemon, orange, lavender, sage, cedar, and tobacco. I was killing time in Little Rock on Monday while Maria attended a newspaper seminar when I got her email, so I went to a nearby Dillard's and sniffed a sampler of the stuff.
But also pricey. A 4.2 ounce bottle is $55 at Dillard's.
So I came home and got the same quantity on Ebay for $28.50. That was on Tuesday afternoon and my purchase showed up in my mailbox today.
I like it and Maria says she likes it, so the mission is accomplished.

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