Tuesday, March 25, 2008


We all have our preferences when it comes to the everyday things in life, something that occurred to me this morning when I replaced the toilet paper roll in the master bathroom.
So here are some of mine:

Toilet paper orientation: over
Eggs: over light
Coffee: dark(est) roast with 2 packs of Sweet & Low and a touch of hazelnut Coffeemate
Shaving lather: shaving soap, mug and brush
Steak: medium well
Grits: no thanks
Jelly for toast: strawberry
Beer: the darker the better (Spaten Optimator is my fave)
Coke or Pepsi: Coke (Zero)
Smoking or non: non-smoking
Table or booth: booth
Blondes or brunettes: brunettes
Mac or PC: PC
Zune or iPod: iPod
Early or late-riser: early - 6 a.m. or earlier
Part in hair: on the right
XM or Sirius: XM
Windows version: XP SP2
MySpace or Facebook: Facebook
iTunes or Amazon.com MP3 store: Amazon.com
Fast food: Wendy's
Credit or debit: credit
Side of the bed: left (as viewed from the foot)
Cable or satellite: cable
Shower gel or soap: gel
Lease or buy cars: buy
Barack or Hillary: John McCain
Tax Cut or TurboTax: Tax Cut
Ballpoint or rollerball: rollerball
Fiction or non-fiction: non-fiction


  1. Toilet paper orientation: Over
    Eggs: Scrambled
    Coffee: Black
    Shaving lather: Hair clippers keep the stubble how I like it.
    Steak: Medium
    Grits: Meh, not a fan.
    Jelly for toast: Homemade raspberry.
    Beer: Red wine.
    Coke or Pepsi: Cherry Coke Zero
    Smoking or non: Non-smoking
    Table or booth: Booth
    Blondes or brunettes: Blonds
    Mac or PC: 6 of one...
    Zune or iPod: iPod
    Early or late-riser: Early-ish
    Part in hair: It's just a mess.
    XM or Sirius: Never used either. They're the same company now.
    Windows version: XP, Vista is crap.
    MySpace or Facebook: I have neither, but I have a blog instead.
    iTunes or Amazon.com MP3 store: iTunes
    Fast food: Chik-fil-A
    Credit or debit: Debit
    Side of the bed: Left (as viewed from the foot)
    Cable or satellite: Cable
    Shower gel or soap: Gel
    Lease or buy cars: Buy
    Barack or Hillary: Barack, Hillary's just gonna be a sore loser until June.
    Tax Cut or TurboTax: HRBlock.com
    Ballpoint or rollerball: Ballpoint
    Fiction or non-fiction: Non-fiction as it applies to current people/places (famous or not).

  2. Maria can't resist any longer. Here's her list:
    Toilet paper orientation: whatever
    Eggs: over light
    Coffee: Pfffffft. None.
    Shaving lather: Barbasol for Women
    Steak: ribeye medium with burned fat
    Grits: yummy, with sugar and butter
    Jelly for toast: cherry
    Beer: Honey Brown or Raspberry
    Coke or Pepsi: Coke (Zero)
    Over 60
    Mac or PC: Either
    Mid-morning, given a choice
    Part in hair: on the left
    XM or Sirius: XM
    Windows version: Don't know
    MySpace or Facebook: MySpace, but rarely
    I cant remember to go to Amazon.com MP3 store
    Fast food: Give me a hairball
    Credit or debit: credit
    Side of the bed: Against John (as viewed from the foot)
    Cable or satellite: Whichever has Comedy Central and Turner Classic Movies
    Shower gel or soap: gel
    Lease or buy cars: buy and drive them until the metal falls off
    Barack or Hillary: Mitch Daniels
    Tax Cut or TurboTax: Don't care
    Extra thick line Rollerball! Black ink!
    Fiction or non-fiction: Alice Hoffman

  3. Toilet paper orientation: under (it saves)
    Eggs: scrambled
    Coffee: mixed grounds of medium roast regular and decaf: a little milk to make it light
    Shaving lather: um, legs:pink cheap razor and soap
    Steak: medium well
    Grits: no thanks
    Jelly for toast: strawberry
    Beer: I've been Californianized: Corona with lime
    Coke or Pepsi: Coke
    Smoking or non: non-smoking
    Table or booth: booth
    Blondes or brunettes: brunettes
    Mac or PC: PC
    Zune or iPod: iPod
    Early or late-riser: early - 6 a.m. or earlier
    Part in hair: on the right
    XM or Sirius: XM
    Windows version: XP SP2
    MySpace or Facebook: MySpace
    iTunes or Amazon.com MP3 store: iTunes
    Fast food: Jack in the Box
    Credit or debit: credit
    Side of the bed: left (as viewed from the foot)
    Cable or satellite: satellite
    Shower gel or soap: both
    Lease or buy cars: buy
    Barack or Hillary: Hillary ( I suspect this is the main question?)
    Tax Cut or TurboTax: Tax Cut
    Ballpoint or rollerball: rollerball
    Fiction or non-fiction: non-fiction
    Ok, now please tell us the reason for this inquisition? )

  4. No particular reason. I just like to read feedback. Thanks for participating.

  5. TP: however we can get it to stay on the spindle.
    Eggs: scrambled
    Coffee: 2 sugars and a cream
    Shaving Lather: ?? What's that! We have soap right?
    Steak: rare, seasoned.
    Grits: butter, salt
    Jelly for toast: Seedless Black Raspberry
    Beer: Guiness
    Coke or pepsi: COKE
    Smoking or non- NON
    Table or booth: Table
    Blondes or brunettes: Why limit yourself?
    Mac or PC: MAC
    Zune or iPod: iPod
    Early or late-riser: Early
    Part in hair: side
    XM or Sirius: neither
    Winders.... got m on my house!
    MySpace or Facebook: MySpace
    ITunes or Amazon.com MP3 store- Neither. I load my own CDs
    Fast Food: Wendy's
    Credit or Debit: Debit
    Side of the bed: Right (as your sleeping in it)
    Cable or Satellite: Satellite
    Shower Gel or Soap: Depends on the day.
    Lease or Buy cars: Buy
    Barack or Hillary: Barach
    Tax Cut or Turbo Tax: Turbo Tax
    Ballpoint or Rollerball: Rollerball
    Fiction or Non-Fiction: Oh.. Fiction... for sure.
