Thursday, March 20, 2008

New links!

You 'll notice that I've added substantially to my list of Cool Blogs & Other Stuff over there on the right side of the page.

Here's some of what's new:

Box of Slides and Swapatorium are cool sites featuring photographic images and other stuff that turns up at auctions.

Epodunk is a very handy site to get information on practially every population center in the U.S.

Recent Central U.S. Earthquakes is where I go to scare myself

Up In Alaska is the blog of a young woman who is a bicycling fanatic in Alaska

Wal-Mart Associates' Journal is a forum for Wal-Mart employees and often has hilarious stories about customer behavior

And John Chow Dot Com is the blog of John Chow, who has turned his blog into a spectacular source of income. He started with AdSense in September 2006 and made $352.94 that first month. He made a fulltime job of researching online moneymaking possibililties involving advertising and kept adding to his site. Last month (February, 2008) he made $29,643.01. He's written a book on how to monetize your blog and you can get it for free in pdf form from his website. He is a world class authority on how to make your online presence work for you.

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