Thursday, March 27, 2008

Ho ho, Lolo

As the days grow longer and warmer, the siren call of the road grows louder and more distinct.
I haven't done a good, long road trip since the summer of 2004 when I did about a 2,000-mile ride that started with the BMW MOA rally in Spokane, Wash., and took me down the coast through Big Sur and back.
Yes, I rode to the 'MOA rally in Burlington, Vt., two years ago, but that was a quick out-and-back trip that was done in less than a week.
So it's my fervent hope that I can block out time this summer for a reasonably long ride. The 'MOA is in Gillette, Wyo. in July, so that may be a good start.
This photo is from July, 1998 when the 'MOA rally was in Missoula, Mont. I think it was on the Saturday of the four-day rally and some friends and I were stopped at the summit of Lolo Pass, west of Missoula. We'd left after breakfast and the air was still brisk as we rode up the pass. We paused to shed a layer of clothes before plunging into the next 77 delightful miles.

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