Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Going commercial

You'll notice a change in the layout this morning.
That's because I'm fiddling with the HTML code to include Google AdSense stuff. Yes, I'm adding advertising as a means of monetizing the old blog.
I've noticed the number of hits has risen sharply in the last few months and it occurred to me that by adding subject-related ads, I might make it possible for my readers to find stuff they'll be interested in and, at the same time, make this project start to pay for itself.
Until I get everything sorted out, though, the sidebar listings of recommended friends' sites and archival stuff may or may not appear where they're supposed to be, or may not appear at all.
Trust that I'm aware of it and I'm working on the problem.


  1. Hi Dad,
    I'm having that old problem again- viewing the blog on a Mac. I'm sure you'll figger it out.
