Friday, March 21, 2008

AsSense makes $ense

If you're new to my blog or haven't visited for awhile, you'll notice I now have advertising. I signed up for Google's AdSense program and I recommend it to anyone who wants to monetize their blog or website.
(BTW, I just noticed that the spellcheck feature on Blogger recognizes neither "blog" nor "Blogger" nor "spellcheck." How weird is that?)
Anyway, when you sign up for AdSense and create an account with them, you get some HTML code to embed in your site. That makes it possible for AdSense to insert small ad links that are presumably related to the content of your most recent posts. You get paid surprisingly well whenever a visitor to your blog or site clicks on one of these links whether that click results in a purchase or not. Once your account accumulates more than $100, Google AdSense starts paying out. You can have them do a direct deposit to your bank account or put it into your Paypal account.
Consequently, I've come to regard the advertisers who have links here as my sponsors. So I would be very grateful if you would support my sponsors and see what they have to offer.

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