Friday, February 29, 2008

It really is getting better


This is how our garage looked this evening. As bad as it looks, it's really a smaller pile than what the movers left us back in late October.

Our cars remain in the driveway, but at least the bikes are sheltered and on a trickle charger.

We are slowly but surely absorbing the stuff into the house or giving it to charitable organizations or Ebaying it. My beer stein collection filled several boxes and this week I began the process of culling out the ones I could live without. So far I have seven up for auction online.

I just sold a copy of the original screenplay for the movie Goldfinger, believed to have come from the estate of the guy who played Odd Job, to a guy in Ireland for $54.08. My friend Dr. Mark Wadleigh gave it to me more than 20 years ago and I realized that it wasn't doing me any good by reposing in a box. So off it goes to the Emerald Isle.

My mother had a huge collection of Imperial Candlewick - glass cups, saucers, plates, etc. with knobby ball-shaped rims. She only trotted it out when she and dad hosted their bridge club and we would never use it in a million years, so off to Ebay it goes.

Who knows? I may even liquidate my collection of East German army and border guard uniforms. They seemed like a great idea at the time, but that was when I had more storage space and i was impressed with what great deals you can get when whole countries go out of business.

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