Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Catch 22 with Sprint

We have cell phone service with Sprint and I've been paying my Sprint bill online for years. Without a problem. Until now.

Sprint revamped their website security last month, requiring new passwords and PINs. So I jumped through the appropriate hoops in mid-January so as to be able to keep using the site for bill-paying.

Since the bill comes due at the end of the month, I immediately started checking the site for the January bill. I checked it daily from mid-January until yesterday - Feb. 11 - when I finally found a bill posted. And to my shock, it showed I had failed to pay my January bill by the due date of Jan. 31.

The question, of course, is how in the hell can I pay a bill that I can't access? This is one of the pitfalls of going to paperless billing - a process that benefits Sprint but makes this kind of snafu possible.

I spent a couple of hours on the phone yesterday morning with Sprint representatives getting this sorted out and getting them to deduct the $2.32 late fee.

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