Wednesday, January 30, 2008

We have it all figured out

Fretting over the primaries and who will be the Republican and Democrat nominees?
Relax. Maria and I figured it out over lunch today.
Here's how we see it:
Sen. John McCain will be the GOP presidential nominee because (1) he's liberal enough to attract crossover Democrat votes and (2) not so far left as to force the conservative wing of the Republican party to stay home on election day. Mike Huckabee will be the GOP vice-presidential nominee because he is conservative enough for the old guard Republicans.
The Democrats will nominate Hillary because they just can't think a new thought or abandon their moonbat constituency and because her people are more adroit at backroom politics than are Obama's. But because they need crossover votes to win and because Hillary has no appeal for Republicans, they'll pick a moderate for their vice-presidential nominee. My money is still on Indiana Sen. Evan Bayh.
So there's your lineup - McCain-Huckabee versus Clinton-Bayh.
The winners?
Start getting used to the sound of "President John McCain."

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