Friday, January 11, 2008

More busy-ness

whiskey creek bar branding


Yesterday was another 1-10 p.m. days with an ASU basketball game that kept me at work until about 11:30 p.m. So I'm shaving some time off of the front and back of my scheduled 9 a.m.-5 p.m. shift today to keep from running into overtime for the week.wc brand

Today's front page is dominated by this photo of the training manager of the new Whiskey Creek restaurant and bar in nearby Paragould, Ark., using a red-hot branding iron to decorate the pine-topped bar. It's a custom with Whiskey Creek to have area cattlemen bring in their branding irons to brand the bar. And, of course, Whiskey Creek has its own brand. This is the 15th Whiskey Creek establishment and will open on Monday.slamdunk

This slam dunk photo dominates the cover of today's sports section. It's customary for photographers to sit on the floor at the end of the basketball court. I'm sufficiently old and stiff enough that I can only stand about 12-15 minutes in that position before I have to struggle to my feet and find another vantage point. Since I would block the view of paying fans by remaining in that spot, I move off to the corner of the court. That turns out to be a good choice, since I would be at a bad angle and too close for the 80-200mm lens to have gotten this and a couple other slam dunk shots.

For the photo geeks, I'm using a Nikon D-200 and a Nikkor 80-200mm f/2.8 lens. I have the ISO dialed up to 1600 and the camera set on aperture priority at f/2.8. That gives me maximum shutter speed and a shallow depth of field that isolates the subject.littlecheerleader

I also got this shot of the daughter of the assistant ASU coach in her cheerleading outfit, but it didn't make the paper.

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