Sunday, January 13, 2008

Joining a new BMW club

 bmwramsHere's Steve Clark, newly elected president of the BMW Riders Association of the Mid-South, yesterday at the club's January meeting on the northeastside of Memphis.

The venue was Robilio's Side Car Cafe, 2194 Whitten Road, just north of a Harley-Davidson dealership. I recommend the Cajun Shrimp Pasta.

I rode over with Charlie and Deb Parsons - 192 round-trip miles from our house in temperatures in the 40s and 50s and sunshine, except for the last 30 miles on the return trip.bmwrams3

The crowd was immediately recognizable as BMW riders - median age of 50-something and friendly to a fault. They immediately accepted me as a member of the Beemer fraternity. I wrote out a check for $15 for a year's dues for myself and Maria and, voila, we're members.

This is the club that puts on the Return to Shiloh Rally in early October at Pickwick Dam, Tenn., one of the better sites for a motorcycle rally I've seen. It's a few miles from the historic Battle of Shiloh Civil War battlefield.

I'd hoped to attend last October, but the hassles of moving from Indiana made it impossible. I'll be there for sure this year.

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