Friday, January 18, 2008

I love this knife

I've mentioned it before, but this bears repeating: I love my Swiss Army knife.
The one I carry these days is the altimeter multitool (see illustration) that was a gift from my son Sean.
It has a barometric altimeter and a thermometer that can read out in metric or English scales. Since I live in relatively flat terrain, I use the altimeter more as a weather predictor. And the thermometer pretty much always registers 84 degrees in my pocket.
But I carry the knife all of the time and I use its blades and tools several times a day to open packages, tighten the screws in my glasses, open beer bottles, open envelopes, cut string, trim my moustache, remove splinters, write notes, and on and on.
Victorinox makes a dizzying array of Swiss Army knives and I can't imagine walking out of my house without one in my pocket.


  1. Great, Just Great. There goes my theory that the Swiss Army knife has everything - but- the TV... I think the digital read out could be grouped in with TV's don't you?
