Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Our long carpet nightmare may be nearing an end.
Or maybe not. Who knows?
I have Friday off this week and the installer is coming to rip out the defective carpet and lay what we hope is flawless Berber. We hope.
That will set the stage for a massive moving operation, clearing all of our office stuff out of the garage and one of the guest rooms where we now have a temporary office.
I'm scheduled to work 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday, so Maria may get a headstart on me in organizing the new office space. Also, we need to buy a desk or two this weekend to get things set up properly.
Then I can finally finish the wedding albums for a couple whose wedding we shot last July 14. This has been an ongoing source of embarrassment to me, but it couldn't be helped because I just wasn't set up to do the work.

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