Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Good stuff

Maria spent most of last week suffering with an upset stomach and generally feeling queasy,which we chalked up to the back-to-back colds we've struggled with since Thanksgiving.
She was at her wits' end until it suddenly dawned on me that she had taken some heavy duty antibiotics.
Antibiotics have the nasty consequence of nuking the ecosystem of one's digestive tract.
I brought up that point and suggested she start slamming down some of the kefir (pronounced KEE-fur) we have in the fridge.
Kefir is a cultured enzyme-rich food full of friendly microorganisms that restore balance to the digestive system and is more nutritious and therapeutic than yogurt.
I'd always favored yogurt as post-antibiotic therapy, but kefir appears to work even better.
Maria started drinking it in the morning and was pretty much back to normal by afternoon.
Read all about the stuff at www.kefir.net.


  1. Some studies have also suggested that the original purpose of the appendix was to "store" your healthy microbes in case of an intestine-wide genocide. If you don't have an appendix, then Kefir should work just as well, if not better.

  2. This is asking for help in finding the episode of Captain Midnight that was interrupted with the announcement of the death of FDR on April 12, 1945. My sister and I had been waiting for days or weeks (?) to find out how that episode ended and we were furious when it was interrupted to say something about someone called FDR. We ran downstairs to complain to our parents and saw they both had tears in their eyes. We didn't understand. I see a lot of the Captain Midnight programs are for sale on CD now, but I have no idea what the number of that episode is. Can you help?

    Minneapolis, MN
