Thursday, January 24, 2008

Basketball. Again.

asu band asuvsfiu I was back at the ASU Convocation Center last night for the Lady Indians versus Florida International University. The lower photo dominated this morning's sports page.

I left at halftime because I had to get my photos edited and do other office stuff. The game went into overtime and ASU went on to win 72-64.

But the evening was memorable for me because I fucked up.

I decided not to follow the crowd of photographers and stationed myself on the sidelines on the opposite side of the ASU goal from them, next to the A-Team dancers.

I noticed some of the A-Team girls looked at me with some concern and a few minutes later an arena official came over and asked me to join the rest of the photogs on the other side of the goal.

When I went into the Media Room at halftime to pick up an FIU roster so I could identify the girls in my photos, I checked the rules for photographers. It clearly stipulates that we are not to be in the areas occupied by the A-Team or the cheerleaders. Oops. I'd read the rules before, but obviously that one didn't lodge in my consciousness. How embarrasking, as Popeye would say.

As I may have mentioned before, this is the last school year that the ASU teams will be able to call themselves Indians. A search is on for a more politically correct name and mascot.

I'm not exactly working today, just on call, so the dogs get to play out in the yard and I get an extra cup of coffee.

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