Monday, December 17, 2007

A Sun in her future?

sunpicIt's 8:20 a.m. and our friend Lauri just rolled out for the drive home to Indiana with her two boys, Jacob and Judd.

The house is eerily quiet after a couple of days of happy chaos. We had a great time shopping, hanging out, watching DVDs, drinking Margaritas and rum and Coke (not the kids). We did a quick raid Saturday afternoon on Dillard's Clearance Center, where we all scored some great deals, even though the inventory isn't what it was a month ago.

The Crawfordsville Journal Review, where Maria and Lauri worked together and Lauri still toils, invites readers to submit photos of themselves on vacation in exotic locations with a copy of the Journal Review. Here's a shot that probably won't get published.

Lauri is one of the top graphic artist newspaper ad designers in Indiana and her talents would doubtless be welcome at Maria's new paper here in Arkansas.

Needless to say, we'd love to see her and her husband Jim and the kids join us here in the temperate Mid-South.

The winter weather in the Midwest was an ever-present background to the weekend. Lauri had planned to drive down Saturday morning, but left Friday evening instead because of concerns over snow and freezing rain sweeping across Missouri and into Illinois. She managed to beat the snow and ice, but spent the last couple of hours in heavy rain before arriving here about 1:30 a.m. Saturday.

We'd hoped the winter storm, which amounted to just a gray day in the low 40s here Saturday, would be severe enough to make her stay an extra day, but it was not to be.

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