Friday, December 21, 2007

Out, damned spotted carpet!


Oh, well. What's another three weeks with a garage full of boxes?

We examined the new "bonus room" carpet again this morning and all of the spots were still there. Also, on close examination, we found the installer actually damaged the carpet in an effort to remove the worst of the spots.

I called him to say we are not satisfied with the condition of the carpet and it will have to be replaced. He asked if I would agree to let a professional carpet cleaner take a shot at it, but gave up on that idea when I pointed out that there's a partial hole worn in it from a cleaning attempt (see inset).

So he called Lowe's and they're going to order more carpet.

This job commenced on Dec. 1 when we placed the carpet order and it took 20 days for Lowe's to get the carpet and have it installed.

So there will be no moving of office furniture and computers to the bonus room this weekend, or probably any other weekend until mid-January.

As it turns out, I'm down with a second cold bug or having a serious relapse from the first one. I've got painfully pressurized sinuses, a faucet for a nose and a codeine-resistant hacking cough that make me want to just sit quietly and wait for my life to get better.

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