Tuesday, December 04, 2007

A happy observation

I paid our utility bills for our first full month in the new house and they were remarkably low.

The electric bill, which includes heat and air conditioning, was $103 and the water bill was $27, for a total of $130.

Reviewing our utility bills for the Thorntown house for 2006, I find we averaged $285 a month. I realize last month was unseasonably mild and winter hasn't even started, but these look like numbers I can like.

The previous owner said the highest electric bill he ever had was something like $180, so if that's as bad as it can get, the higher house payment won't be quite so painful.

Of course, we're paying to heat the Thorntown house until we sell it, not to mention continuing to make payments on it, and God knows how long that will go on.

Maria called a cleaning woman (Reinemachefrau) and arranged for her to give the Thorntown house a good going-over late this week. Then we can bring in the Realtors, let them take their photos and get that mo-fo onto the market.

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