Monday, October 01, 2007


This is our new home in Arkansas, unless something goes wrong between now and the Oct. 22 closing date.
We looked at a couple more houses yesterday morning, then concluded we were't likely to find anything we like as much as this place.
So we went back to the Realtor's office and put together an offer which was substantially lower than the asking price but in the realization that the property has been on the market more than 18 months and that the seller may be a bit more motivated.
We gave him until 12:45 p.m. today to respond.
We were eating dinner at a downtown club/pub about 7:30 p.m. with our friend Skip when we got a call from our Realtor telling us we had a counter, which represented a major concession on the part of the seller.
After some strategizing and discussion with the Realtor, which led us to the conclusion that this was the best deal we were going to get, we accepted.
The timing makes it possible for Maria to give proper notice for the place she's
renting and to avoid a second month's rent. Since we get possession at the time of closing, she'll move into the new house three weeks from today.
The house is about 11 miles from Maria's office, which makes for an easy commute.
Now, I'm headed back to Indiana to get seriously busy on preparing our house for selling.

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