Thursday, October 04, 2007

A skunk in the night

I like to sleep with the window open.

Maria doesn't.

Now that she's in Jonesboro and I'm here, I can indulge myself and enjoy all of the fresh air I want until we move into our new house in Arkansas.

But I discovered early this morning, there can be a downside to "fresh" air.

I found myself drifting up into consciousness from a dream of a skunk loose in the house, spraying the walls, floor and furniture with his potent defensive weapon of mass repulsion. Crossing the line from dream into reality, I realized a real live skunk had apparently felt threatened somewhere very near the south side of my house.

We live in a small rural community of about 1,500 on the south edge of town. We can sit in our hot tub on quiet evenings and hear cattle Skunk-in-Grassmooing and the occasional yipping and barking of coyotes. And we've occasionally caught a whiff of skunk on the night air.

But this was full-bore in-your-face skunk stench, so potent and concentrated that olefactory nerves can't adjust to minimize its impact. Every breath was a fresh assault on the nervous system.

So there was nothing to do but reach over and close the window. Mercifully, that did the trick. The smell faded and I was able to slide back into sleep, thankful it wasn't one of my dogs that took the hit.

I noticed there was no barking from their kennels in the kitchen during this episode. Since their sense of smell is about 1,000 times more acute than mine, I can only conclude they knew this was a passerby best ignored.

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