Wednesday, October 03, 2007

On my last freaking nerve

Ruthie the self-absorbed mutt is making me crazy this afternoon.

I've been in a focused frenzy of activity since I got from from a doctor's appointment.baddog01

Already overwhelmed with the tasks associated with getting our money pit of a house ready to sell, I find myself being badgered by a bride whose wedding Shaylan and I shot on Sept. 22.

She and her husband got home from their honeymoon over the weekend and she's been badgering me since Sunday for her wedding photos on CD.

I promised I'd have them by this evening, so I've been hard at work editing and tweaking.

But Ruthie won't let me alone.

If I let her out, she runs all over the neighborhood because we had to rip out her electronic dog containment system for the failed garage project (see earlier posts/rants). And as often as not, she comes back reeking because she loves to roll in poop.

So when she came back from her midday romp, fragrant as usual, I decided to confine her and Pete to the kitchen while I worked.

But she wasn't having it. She clawed and pawed at the kiddie gate at the bottom of the stairs, with the intention of repeating her trick of knocking down the gate and coming upstairs to nap of the rug. This, of course, is unacceptable because of her filthy condition.

So I ignored her as long as I could while she clawed and pawed and yarked.baddog02

Finally, I stormed downstairs and put her into her kennel. The clawing and pawing ceased, but the yarking has continued pretty much nonstop for the last three freaking hours while I edited photos, and burned and printed eight CDs.

I will be a whole lot more efficient after I take the dogs to Jonesboro on the 22nd and no longer have to be a dog-wrangler.

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