Tuesday, October 23, 2007

It's almost home


We've closed on the house and we're another day closer to living in it, but it's hard to feel like an Arkansas homeowner now that I'm back in Indiana.
I stopped at the new house on the way out of town to drop off a TV, some shirts and a vacuum cleaner and to drag the trash can in from the street.
The previous owners were nice enough to vacuum the carpets and clean the floors, so there won't be much for us to do before our furniture arrives.
The packers and haulers come to our Thorntown house Thursday and Friday and the vaults are scheduled to be shipped to Arkansas next Tuesday, arriving a couple of days later.
I'm going to bed early tonight because I have a doctor's appointment at 9 a.m. tomorrow and the rest of the day will be spent getting things ready for the packers/haulers.
I spoke with son Steve while driving home from Arkansas this morning. He said they've accepted a buyer's offer on their Cincinnati house and their furniture and belongings are on their way to Las Vegas. Steve flies out on Friday and Nicky and Lisa will follow a couple of days later. They have a six-month lease on a rental house while they search for a more permanent place in Vegas.foyer01
While talking with Steve on the cell phone, I missed the Boomland exit where I'd planned to gas up the Subaru. I continued on to Cairo, Ill., with the fuel warning light glowing brightly. Cairo is one of the most depressing towns I've seen in a long time - a Main Street lined with failed businesses, gas stations with bags over the pump nozzles. I bought $5 worth of gas at a ratty station at the edge of town, which got me 30 miles up the road to a real Citgo station where I filled the tank. That fill-up got me to Crawfordsville, Ind. The Subaru averaged 24.12 mpg on the drive home, which is not bad for an SUV, but nowhere close to the 33+ mpg I got driving the del Sol down to Arkansas.
I shot a few photos while at the house, most notably these of the front door and the foyer.

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