Monday, September 17, 2007

Welcome to Arkansas

Today was Maria's first day on the job at her new newspaper. I called her during her lunch break and things seemed to be going fine.

I rode her K75S over to Crawfordsville to deposit a check and have lunch with our friend Lauri. Lauri suggested PODS as a possible alternative to hiring movers to haul our stuff to Arkansas. I checked their website and discovered they don't deliver to Jonesboro. I did find other similar outfits and got a quote from one for about $1,700, which is way less than the conventional movers want to charge. They also charge about $400 a month to have one of their containers parked at our house for loading at our convenience, so maybe this part of the process won't be as financially crippling as I had supposed.

It felt good to get out on two wheelscotton field2 and I think I'll take the bike again when I go back to about 4:30 p.m. to do my editing and proofreading work.

Maria is busy learning all about our new home. Being a farm girl at heart, she was fascinated with the crops there and was particularly excited to see fields of cotton - something you never see in Indiana. She stopped to photograph herself in a cotton field while driving down to Jonesboro on Saturday afternoon and e-mailed me this picture.

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