Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Jonesing for Jonesboro

Weather and other circumstances permitting, I'm off to Jonesboro Friday morning. Two weeks is about as long as I care to be away from Maria at one time and I get the impression she feels the same way.

Maria's son Austin will stay here to dog-sit while I ride Maria's K75S the 475 or so miles to Jonesboro with a planned arrival about the time Maria gets off work for the weekend.

This will be the longest ride either of us has taken on the K75S. I'm curious to see how the custom Sargent seat feels after nine hours of riding. I'd better pack some aspirin, because I think it's going to get pretty uncomfortable by the time I get into southern Illinois.

I'm less than happy over being without a motorcycle after this weekend, but there's always the option of driving down to Arkansas to go for a ride as long as the autumn weather holds there. Our bikes will be in the care of a pillar of the BMW motorcycling community, the guy who coordinates the BMW Riders of the Mid-South's "Return to Shiloh" rally near Savannah, Tenn.

My old Indianapolis News compadre, Skip, has graciously agreed to retrieve me and plans to drive down Sunday, staying over until we head out for Indiana on Monday morning.

In the meantime, I'm making a bit of progress on getting our house ready for the market.

Our fix-it guy is bringing a floor-covering man here tomorrow afternoon to take measurements in the kitchen and elsewhere and to work up cost estimates and various options for replacing the dog-damaged kitchen vinyl and stairway Berber carpet, as well as the hideous rose carpet in the master bedroom and office and the ratty tan carpet in the upstairs bathroom.



It's hard to believe this was less than a year ago: My bike (on the left) and Maria's in our former garage. They'll be together again soon in Arkansas.

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