Monday, September 24, 2007

Honoring a hometown hero



A new monument for Spc. Joey Strong was dedicated on Saturday at the Maple Lawn Cemetery here in Thorntown. I can see it from my bedroom window.

Strong was the first Boone County soldier to die in Iraq. He drowned last Dec. 26 when his Humvee overturned in a water-filled ditch.Photo_092407_007

I covered the graveside services in early January and was surprised this morning to discover that his grave has been moved to a less crowded area on the east side of the cemetery.

Here are some views of the work done by the Allen Monument Co. of Crawfordsville. The photoengraving work is stunningly crisp and vivid. I hope it holds up well in the weather out here on the west central Indiana prairie.

The Patriot Guard Riders turned out to provide an honor guard for the occasion. I would have been there if I hadn't already contracted to photograph a wedding.



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