Friday, September 28, 2007

The goldfinch has landed

Maria's K75S in front of her/our temporary home in Jonesboro.
I guessed early today that I'd arrive about 4:30 p.m. I was off by about 12 minutes.
The Sargent seat isn't as nice as the BMW Comfort Seat on my K1200GT, but it wasn't awful,either.
Aside from the chilly start, the weather for the ride down here was perfect. It was a warm, but not oppressive, 82 degrees when I rode down through southeastern Missouri and into Arkansas.
The bike performed flawlessly and delivered something like 44 or 45 miles/gallon. I stopped at Boomland for my final fill-up and savored the last 110 or so miles to Jonesboro. Since I'm leaving the bike here with BMW friends, this will likely be my last ride of the year of any consequence. I hate to end my riding season before October, but that's just how it goes.
I did a test of the GrandCentral phone system, dialing the local Jonesboro number I had chosen and, sure enough, my cell phone rang. Moments later I found myself talking with Maria's son Austin. I'd forgotten that he would probably pick up the phone at home when it rang simultaneously with my cell phone. Just as well. He confirmed that the dogs are OK and all is well at Pearlsend.
So now I'm just hanging out, waiting for Maria to get home from work: sort of a preview of our life in Arkansas.

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