Friday, August 03, 2007


I feel like I've been running in sand - expending much effort for little gain - for the whole freaking summer.
It has now been three full months since we gave George, the disappearing contractor, a check for $14,920 to buy building materials for our hypothetical garage. A couple of weeks later, he stopped talking to us.
We've decided to sic the Indiana Attorney General's Consumer Protection guys on him, since they have a pretty good record of recovering money for citizens who are ripped off. And we were.
I'm starting to count down the days until the Indianapolis BMW Club's Colorado Chalet Week. Maria and I decided I need a long ride and I can't think of a more stimulating destination than our Tim and Linda's place in Alma, Colo., where a bunch of us Indy Club folks will hang out for the last week of August.
In the meantime, I'm working on the images from the July 14 wedding we shot. I burned them to a couple of sets of DVDs - one set for the couple and the other for the bride's parents, who picked up the tab for our work. I use printable DVDs and CDs, so as to deliver a unique and attractive set of disks with the bridal couple's names, date of the wedding, one of their photos and, of course, our business website url. When I fed the most recent set of disks through our Epson Stylus Photo R320, they came out with a decidedly magenta cast.
I tried to tweak the color balance with the printer software, but to no avail. Every test sheet I ran came out more magenta-skewed than the one before. I suspect the problem is the Office Max substitute ink cartridges I'm using - probably something wonky in the cartridge circuitry, since the sheets produced with the Epson diagnostic sofware come out spot-on.
It will cost about $80 to replace the six printer cartridges with genuine Epsons.
As luck would have it, I got the new issue of Shutterbug magazine this week and it contained a glowing review of the new Epson Stylus Photo R380 printer, which also prints CDs and DVDs and has much more sophisticated hardware and software than the four-year-old R320. AND the Epson site had it on sale for about $109. I discovered I could buy a brand new state-of-the-art DVD printer for only about $30 more than a set of ink cartridges for my obsolete model.
Needless to say, I ordered an R380 immediately and am now watching for the UPS guy to deliver it to my front porch.
The R320 will be relegated to the role of a black-and-white text printer and the R380 will become the default color printer.

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