Monday, August 27, 2007


We were cruising west on U.S. 36 about 3 miles east of Cope in the flatlands of eastern Colorado about noon yesterday when we met a Colorado state trooper headed the other way.
His car had one of the new low profile light bars, so we didn't realize he was a cop in time to slow from our 80mph cruising speed to the legal limit of 65.
Harold Patterson was in the lead, then John Rode, me, and Bob Stewart.
We all watched in our rearview mirrors as he hit his brakes, did a U-turn and began to pace us at our now-legal speed. After a few seconds, he hit his red-and-blue flashers and Bob and I pulled over as he chased Harold and John down.
We pulled stopped behind his car, pulled off our helmets and prepared to dig under our seats for our registrations.
I think he was pleased that we were so cooperative and surprised to find the youngest of these speeding sport tourers (me) was 62.
He took our licenses and retired to his car where he presumably checked to see if any of us has outstanding warrants.
He was all smiles throughout and let us off with a verbal warning. Maybe we reminded him of his dad - or his grandfather.

1 comment:

  1. After that harrowing experience, I'm sure you were all ready for a piece of homemade pie at the little cafe in Cope.
