Friday, August 17, 2007

The horror, the horror

Here's a worker at the McDonald's at U.S. 231 and I-74 on the north side of Crawfordsville, Ind., photographed with my cell phone on Wednesday morning.
She's making salads with her bare hands! No gloves. Just skin on lettuce, cheese and tomatoes.
We called the county health department and they send out an inspector. More as it develops.
I saw an employee of the Crawfordsville Arni's handling salad ingredients with bare hands last night.
I think I'm off of restaurant salads for awhile.


Shari Harrington at the county health department e-mailed: Thank you for letting us know about this problem. After we talked I sent Lynette up to the McDonald’s North and she spoke with them and rendered action of throwing away salads made with bare hand contact.

So there.

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