Thursday, August 30, 2007

Me (left), Harold (right)

On the Trail Ridge Road. Taken by an obliging tourist.

Harold and I did a little 300-mile day ride up to Rocky Mountain National Park today. The weather was dead solid perfect. The ranger at the west portal let us both in on Harold's Golden Eagle pass, so the only money I spent in the park was $1.44 for an apple and a granola bar at the Trail Ridge Road visitors center. There was lots of construction on the upper levels of the road and I was reminded once more of how much heights bother me. There were several places where the edge of the road seemed to crumble off into infinity and I had to keep reminding myself that it's just a road and I'm still on solid ground.
We had a late lunch at a little cafe on the south end of Estes Park and Harold took the lead, following a route generated by his Garmin GPS. It may very well have been the fastest route, but I was surprised and a little alarmed to find us working our way through back streets in Boulder, having gone considerably farther east that I expected.
We picked up I-70 just west of Denver and had clear sailing all the way back to Alma.

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