Friday, August 24, 2007

Last-minute packing thoughts

It's 8:25 p.m. on Friday and I'm still at the newspaper office.
In 12 hours, I expect to be somewhere in Illinois, well on my way to a week in the Colorado high country with my BMW motorcycle friends.
And, of course, I'm not packed. I made a start on it earlier today, but my stuff is strung out on our bed and in a couple of other rooms.
I feel mildly guilty taking off for a week on the bike when we need to be getting our house ready to sell, but I've done pitifully little riding this year and this ride is long overdue.
My plan is to rendezvous with Maria in Arkansas on my way back, where we'll spend a couple of days house-hunting. I connected with a couple who are BMW Motorcycle Owners of America members, i.e. instant friends, by phone this week and they graciously offered storage space for my bike. So I'll leave the bike with them and ride home with Maria in the Subaru, secure in the knowledge that the first of our four vehicles is where it needs to be.
I'm supposed to meet my three riding companions at 7:15 a.m. tomorrow at the Ind. 32 interchange on I-74. It's raining like a sonofabitch here tonight and I fervently hope it will clear off by tomorrow morning. I hate starting a long ride in the rain.
I will, of course, blog from the road whenever possible. I still haven't decided whether to take a Nikon D100 digital SLR with me. It's a lot of camera to haul around and I suspect I can be just as happy with my Treo cell phone camera and my little 35mm (Film!) point-and-shoot. After all, I can just scan the negs when I get home. I still have a bunch of film left over from before we went digital and I might as well burn it up.

1 comment:

  1. I envy your decision to put off house selling to ride.

    I should have made a similar decision before I started law school this week--I keep catching myself taking new and creative "long routes" home from class, just to get some saddle-time in.

    Take pictures...
