Sunday, July 01, 2007

Wiping the slate clean

Here's how it looked at 10 a.m.

And at 3:30 p.m.

We're now officially done with George and will recover our $14,920 that he took for building materials (that he has apparenly never bought for us) and the money we paid for the bungled concrete slab, by whatever means it takes.
Yesterday, we paid Roger the excavator $750 to remove the last of the bungled slab and to grade the yard flat, leaving a gravel pad (lower right corner of bottom photo) for a storage shed/minibarn for our motorcycles and whatever else we can jam into it.
Roger is a friend of a friend, has been in the excavating business 40 years and has a splendid reputation that he lived up to yesterday.
He also recommended a couple of local builders for the garage project. Since so much dirt has been disturbed, we need to wait til next year to let it settle before we pour any more concrete.
And, by the way, George told us he left the north (left from this view) end because the concrete guys had poured a 4-foot footer and it was too massive to remove with the equipment he had at hand. His plan, he said, was to return soon with heavy equipment to finish the job. He never did and when Roger unearthed that end of the slab, he found a 2-foot footer. George lied to us. Duh!
I am slow to believe the worst about someone I have trusted, but a couple of lies - especially when they involve thousands of my dollars - are enough to do it.
If George were to show up here this morning with building materials and a work crew, promising to finish our garage project in a week, I would ask for my money back and send him packing. I have absolutely no confidence that he could give us our money's worth.
It's over and if he refuses to make it right, I have no qualms about using the legal system to crush him.
This is, after all, money from my parents' house we're taking about and that makes it about as personal as it gets.

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