Friday, June 15, 2007

Waiting for a paycheck

I'm sitting in the newspaper office waiting for a paycheck.
Betty, the payroll lady, usually has them distributed by this time but they are mysteriously late today.
Maria is hunkered down in her office with Post-It notes on the closed door telling all and sundry to stay the hell out, unless it's an emergency and to IM her instead. She's thrashing out a plan for the paper's annual Progress Edition - a multi-section extravaganza that will require about 100 (really) stories from her staff about local people, places and things.
I just caught a bit of conversation between a reporter and an intern in which the reporter suggested they go to lunch on a downtown plaza, a summertime festive thing around here. The intern, who is a presumably successful college student, replied, "I didn't bring my wallet."
I can't conceive of leaving home without my wallet. I've been carrying a wallet on a regular basis since before I was in the first grade.
It boggles the mind.
We got in a little late-night hot tubbing last night after the water temperature reached 95 degrees and the smell of ammonia dissipated. It was decadently luxurious to be back in the tub for the first time since late March or early April. And to have it in a far more suitable place, screened from the wind and from the view of neighbors.
The water temperature had reached the default 100-degree setting by this morning, so we had a half-hour sunrise soak to start the day.
Having the tub only about four paces from the back door is a wonderful convenience. I think it will make it more likely that I'll keep the chemistry in balance more than ever before, as well.
Sitting in the tub this morning, my eyes fell upon the DISH-TV satellite dish that still hangs on the south side of the house. When we quit DISH and went back to cable, we were asked to return the receptor element in the dish along with the tuner box. They didn't ask for the dish back, presumably thinking we'd leave it in place and it would be an inducement for some future owner of our house to sign up with DISH.
Now that I'm going to spend more time sitting where I can see it, I think it's time to remove it. Maybe I'll spray-paint "DISH SUCKS!" on it and set it out at the curb for the trash collectors.
We quit because the rates were going up and because of the many service interruptions - particularly the outages that occurred everytime it stormed: precisely the times when we needed to see the local TV stations to find out if we were in the path of a tornado.

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