Monday, May 14, 2007

Oh, Canada!

May 10 was the third anniversary of this blog, which has persisted much longer than I ever expected.
Another blogger, a young Canadian woman named Lovisa, launched her blog a few days later and I had the distinction of being the first to leave a comment.
As I told her three years ago, she's a natural born writer. She's clever and insightful with a rich vocabulary and the skill to use it well. Hers is the only blog I check daily.

Lovisa recently decided to retire from blogging. She did me the honor of a detailed explanation. Her reasons are sound and valid and I respect her decision, even though it leaves a large hole in my online life.
If I were 30 years younger and we both were unattached, I would be plotting a motorcycle trip to Winnipeg. But I'm not, so I'll be happy to admire this wonderful kindred spirit across the gulf of time, space and karma and wish her and the Man all of the happiness and fulfillment they can stand.
And hope she keeps reading my blog and offering the occasional comment.

1 comment:

  1. Why are all the men in my life making me cry! ;)

    Too sweet for words. You always say the nicest things about me. If my ego gets any bigger today I'll go up a dress size, honestly.

    I'll be checking in, don't you worry.
