Thursday, May 24, 2007

Here we go again...

As per George, our construction guy, a demolition crew was supposed to show up yesterday to remove the remainder of the ill-fated, improperly done concrete slab.
They did not.
I left voicemail last night on the new cell phone number that George gave us last Friday in which I said I don't want to be considered a high-maintenance client, but I would like to be considered a "maintenance" client in the sense that I'd like a response to my queries and, if possible, reliable information on when a crew would be here for my garage project. I have things to do and places to be, I said, and it's annoying to organize my day on the basis of when a crew is supposed to be here, then spend all day not getting stuff done because I'm waiting for people who aren't going to show up.
I haven't received a response and if I don't hear from him by this evening, I'll call his brother Aaron's cell phone and try to get a message to George that way.
This is all especially disturbing when you consider that seven (rain-free) work days have passed since we got our building permit and no work has occurred. As I probably mentioned earlier, the building inspector is going out of town tomorrow morning for the holiday weekend, then leaves again next Thursday for a seven-day vacation, so the garage project cluster-fuck continues unabated.
I'm giving serious thought to packing my bike and heading for the Biltmore in North Carolina for the BMW Riders Association National Rally in a couple of weeks as compensation for a spring of very little riding and for having to miss the BMW Motorcycle Owners of America National Rally in Wisconsin a month later because we have a wedding shoot that weekend.

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