Monday, May 28, 2007

Heil Optimator!

I just finished a bottle of Spaten Optimator and I have a serious buzz on.
Spaten is Munich's oldest brewery and Optimator is a doppelbock with a serious (7.something percent alcohol) kick and is judged by many to be the best doppelbock beer in the world.
I believe it.
Our day has been somewhat laid back. We went to a birthday party for Maria's brother Raph around midday and came home to relax for awhile before going to the newspaper to help get tomorrow's edition to press.
I can hear Maria's Bernina humming as she works on a quilt and I've been surfing the internet and sipping my beer.
I also called Craig, the building inspector, and told him George expects to have cement forms and footings ready for his inspection about 1 p.m. tomorrow. I find this insanely ambitious, but am willing to suspend my disbelief long enought to see if it really happens.

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