Friday, May 18, 2007

George surfaces

George called this morning.
Oh, thank God!
He was on a new cell phone, en route back to Indiana from Ohio where he has an ongoing custody dispute over a young son.
His plan is to have the heavy duty demolition guys out next Wednesday to deal with the last part of the slab. They discovered it had 4.5-foot footers at the north end, which was beyond their capacity to break up with jackhammers and sledge hammers, let alone lift into the dumpster, hence the need for heavy equipment.
The demo guys will break up and bury/dumpster the remaining debris.
And they will be directed to lift the hot tub into position on the deck where it will be reconnected to power and we'll finally have the use of it again!
Then the concrete crew, including George, will come Friday (a week from today), to frame and pour the new slab. The concrete will cure over Memorial Day weekend and framing will start probably on Tuesday. (George said Monday, but I think he forgot that it's the Memorial Day holiday.) And he expects the framing to be complete by two weeks from today.
He said he put our materials drop on hold with Menards because he didn't want them sitting out in the weather any longer than necessary.
They'd take care of the warping board in the deck too.
And he gave us his new cell phone number, so we won't be left so far out of the loop.
Maria and I have decided we still read him as an honest guy whose life has been in chaos the last couple of weeks and who is making a genuine effort to get our project back on track.
Let's hope we're right.

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