Saturday, March 10, 2007

Two steps forward, one step back

I got a reminder today of how fast technology is evolving.
I was killing time in an Office Depot this afternoon while Maria shopped for fabric in the nearby quilt store. I'd worked my way over to the iPod accessories and my gaze fell upon a Logitech Bluetooth wireless headphone set - marked down from $50 to $35.
I've longed for wireless headphones ever since the first time Pete the Aussie jumped up and snagged his paws in my headphone wire, yanking the phones out of my ears and making me fear for the connection point on my 60GB iPod.
It seemed like a good deal to me. I've used Logitech stuff, most recently the multifunction programmable remote control that my son Steve gave me for Christmas, and know they make good stuff.
The package was clearly labeled "Made for iPod," so I assumed it would work fine with mine.
But it couldn't be that simple.
When I got home and sliced open the clear plastic packing with my new Swiss Army Knife that son Sean got me for Christmas, I discovered the Bluetooth transmitter that plugs into the top of the iPod had an extra prong. And there is no opening on the top of my iPod to accept such a prong.
I poked the plug into the iPod as far as the prong would allow and found that I can, indeed, hear music through the 'phones, but it isn't a secure fit and the transmitter swivels around through 360 degrees.
So I searched Ebay and found the same model offered in the price range I paid with the caveat that it doesn't work with the iPod video or the current version of the Nano.
No such information on the package I bought at Office Depot. Of course not. It was made before the current generation of iPod and Nano were released.
It's a damned shame, because the 'phones can be used to skip forward and back through the tracks, as well as increase and decrease volume. I found the volume control works fine, but the forward and back feature does not. So now I know that the prong was for.
Checking the Logitech website, I see that the model I really want is about $100. And, of course, I'm now hooked on the idea of wireless headphones. Nothing to do but take the obsolete 'phones back to Office Depot for a refund and step up to the correct version.

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