Saturday, March 10, 2007


A few odd personal details:
1. I once had a summer job as a trashman, riding on the back of a packer truck.
2. I am a former member of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners.
3. My home was the first Transcendental Meditation center in Indianapolis.
4. I went to Washington, D.C. for JFK's funeral.
5. I've flown in an antique Ford Tri-Motor plane.
6. I have a box of more than 100 sheets of Adolf Hitler's personal stationery. (See example above.)
7. I once won a (live) rabbit at a pre-Easter theater matinee.
8. One of the original Mouseketeers is a personal friend.
9. I've ridden a motorcycle at 146 mph.
10. I've shaken hands with Paul Tibbetts, pilot of the Enola Gay, which dropped the first atomic bomb, effectively destroying Hiroshima and winning World War II.
11. I achieved the rank of Flight Commander in Captain Midnight's Secret Squadron.
12. I set the record for SAT scores for my high school.
13. I qualified as a Marksman (got a ribbon for it) with the M1 carbine during my 41-day Air Force career.
14. I used to smoke 3 packs of cigarettes (Viceroy) a day before I quit in 1978.
15. I have a permit to carry a handgun.
16. I was a motorcycle skills test examiner for the Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles.
17. I've been in all 48 contiguous states.
18. I have a stainless steel plate and 6 screws in my left thigh.
19. I once wrote the only weekly newspaper column on motorcycling in the United States.
20. I can read upside down and backwards.
21. I've met one of Dr. Mengele's twins.
22. I've written a ton of mostly redundant reviews on
23. I am allergic to cats.
24. I once dated a woman whose aunt was married to Stan Getz.
25. My mother had a miscarriage before I was born. It was a girl and her name would have been Victoria Elizabeth.
26. My first car was a Fontana gray 1965 Volkswagen beetle. I put 100,000 miles on it back in the days when that was impressive. It rusted to death.
27. My mother kissed the Blarney Stone. Really. I have the certificate to prove it.
28. I was a motorcycle skills test examiner for the Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles in the mid-1980s.
19. I know how to run a Fairchild Scan-a-graver (an obsolete device that made photo engravings for pre-offset newspapers).
20. I know how to work a 4x5 Speed Graphic camera and process the sheet film.

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