Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Found on
The National Association of Recording Merchandisers (NARM) and the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame have put together a list of 200 albums that should be in every music collection. As NARM president Jim Donio puts it, they are "albums that have consistently excited record buyers over the years and those that have the potential for continued success based on enduring popularity.... The inevitable debate about the 200 must-own albums will underscore just how much the music and the art form mean to everyone." Take a look at the list below, presented in ranked order, and enjoy videos from a number of artists whose work made the cut. From Sgt. Pepper to We're an American Band: these are their 200 definitive albums of the rock era.

I scanned the list and found I have 67 of the 200 albums listed - most of them on CD, but a few on vinyl up in the attic. And, yes, a lot of the NARM choices are what I would call highly debatable, or to put it more succinctly - crap.

I discovered recently that TEAC and others make turntables that connect to a computer via USB 2.0, making it possible to digitize my old vinyl albums. It would be nice to put a lot of that music that I haven't heard in a decade or more onto my iPod. The TEAC unit is under $100. The biggest barrier to me getting this done is a lack of free time. That's what happens when you retire.


  1. Oooo, going to take a look immediately! The Man and I had a night long debate over "essential" albums after buying the Rolling Stone top 500, and we still get into it over particular albums, like which Guns N' Roses album was better, Appetite or Use Your Ilusion.

    We also like to randomly choose one off the list, buy it, then talk alot of nonsense about it that makes us sound smarter than we actually are.

    I think I married the right guy yeah?

  2. Shared musical taste is a great thing.
    Imagine my delight when I discovered that Maria - who is 17 years younger than I - likes 99 percent of the stuff I like and shares my belief that individually and collectively The Who are the greatest band in the history of Rock & Roll.
