Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The Blizzard of '07

Working up the energy to go dig out the Subaru after about 30 hours of snow that met the NOAA criteria for a blizzard.
There was lots of drifting, so it's hard to tell exactly how much snow we got, but I'd guess it to be around 14 inches.
There's about a two-foot drift in front of the Subaru that needs to be shoveled away.
I had planned to drive Maria to work, then head for the Subaru dealership in Lafayette to get the open-door sensor button fixed. But the Subaru service department reports none of their technicians made it to work today because of the blizzard. So we'll have to keep pulling a battery cable whenever we park, for another day at least.
The del Sol is surrounded by three-foot drifts and isn't going anywhere until the snow melts.
The good news is that the plumber called last night and said he'll be here sometime tomorrow (Thursday) morning.
Is it spring yet?
Note to Tot in Winnipeg: Yes, I realize this looks a lot like your spring.

1 comment:

  1. Heehee, that looks like the snow that fell overnight. When I looked out the window during my morning stretch I smiled and Marshmallow World ran through my head.

    Winnipeggers are afraid when it's NOT snowing. If the sun is shining and the sky is clear, we dig out our belaclavas and Sorels because it is going to be BUTT COLD out there.
