Sunday, September 03, 2006

Lisa Lisa

We made a long-overdue pilgrimage to Cincinnati yesterday to visit my son Steve, his wife Nicky and, of course, our granddaughter Lisa.
We haven't seen them since shortly after Lisa's second birthday at the end of May, so naturally Lisa has grown in every dimension.
She exudes wisdom beyond her years and seems to have the ability to recognize when a bad mood is overtaking her and pull away from it.
Maria and Steve and I took her to a park near their home where she had a great time climbing and sliding and swinging and running. When it came time to leave, her face clouded up and she stuck out her lower lip in what - for a lesser child - would have been the prelude to a crying fit. She was riding on Steve's shoulders at the moment and Maria stuck out her lower lip in challenge. Lisa apparently realized how she looked, decided that was not cool and then flashed a sunny smile, proclaiming, "Now I'm happy!"
She also spontaneously used her fingers to pull her mouth out of shape, a move her dad and his big brother Sean did when they were kids. (See lower picture of Steve when he was her age.)

1 comment:

  1. That Lisa gets more cute every single day!!!! I love Lisa posts!!

    I'm happy for you and Maria, happy you wont have to contribute one more dollar!!! But most of all I'm happy for Austin and his new start!!! Being supportive like this must be taxing. I cant imagine all you two go through.
    Its a good thing you have that darling grandbaby to just cuddle and hug!!!
