Friday, September 08, 2006


That's breakfast in German and that's what I'm doing at the moment, although you won't find much German food on the menu at Denny's.
It's Friday again and I've come to the county seat to pay what I fervently hope will be the final $100 child support installment to Maria's ex.
With any luck at all, her son will find his spine and move out of his dad's house during the coming week. He's been under tremendous psychological pressure from his father and stepmother, but I have confidence that he'll find the strength to get out and be a man. Especially when he realizes his girlfriend is watching.
It's a glorious sunny September day and reminds me of Sept. 11, 2001 - along with all of the news/talk shows today.
I was en route to the BMW motorcycle dealership in Indianapolis when the first plane hit. When I arrived, the head mechanic - the only mechanic I've ever known who listens to NPR all day - growled about some assholes flying a plane into the World Trade Center.
The only TV in the place was a small portable that was used to view promotional videotapes and they didn't have a cable connection. So they pulled up the rabbit ears antennae and got a passable over-the-air signal. Good enough that we were able to watch the second plane hit and the two towers collapse.
I remember Tom Brokaw saying exactly what I was thinking: "This is war."
And it still is.
Too many Americans never really got their brains around that. Maybe they are so conditioned by stupid disaster movies that they unwittingly think of the 9/11 attacks as some kind of unreal TV show.
But those were real people raining down from those towers and, for them, it was as real as it gets.
They thought they were safe that morning, just as we think we're safe today. But as long as there are wacko dirtbags like Bin Laden out there, none of us is safe.
So, five years into this war on terror, I'm delighted that the battleground is in Iraq and Afghanistan and not in New York or Los Angeles or Chicago or Indianapolis.
End of rant.

Sent from my Treo


  1. Fingers and toes crossed for Austin. Thinking good wishes and sending cosmic hugs. I so hope his gf is instrumental here for the big leap to maturity and realizing that he CAN do this!!!
    good posts! I loved catching up to your news.
    P.S. CNN is showing all the live coverage from beginning of the day to the end of September 11 Five years ago. I have such a knot in my stomache just thinking about seeing that coverage. How do you feel about them playing it all again? I'm interested in your opinion.

  2. Retraction: My SIL just told me that it is on CNN's "pipeline" internet coverage, not on the actual tv station all day. I'm sorry, I thought it was going to be playing all day on CNN.

  3. I'm in favor of anything that reminds the American people of what was done to us that day.
    We're not nearly angry enough as a nation.
